第7回カラーガードコンテスト四国大会 優勝!



  第51回マーチングバ ド・カラーガード全国大会四国予選が29日、善通寺市民体育館で行われ、カラーガードの部で本校吹奏楽部チームが昨年に続いて優勝。2年連続で全国大会出場を決めました。





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  1. こんにちは、これはコメントです。

    • Help
    • 2023.07.08 5:07am

    You have created a website but it is not attractive to visitors.
    Maybe you need help?
    To get started, you need a good template. Templates can be found here – https://bit.ly/allforwp5
    Help with setting up WordPress, writing content for the site and SEO can be found here – https://fvrr.co/3mJkc9P
    Plugins will help you quickly set up your site, they can be found here – https://bit.ly/pluginsforsite2
    A beautiful logo, fonts and other web elements will also make the site more attractive. You can find them here – https://bit.ly/graphicforsite2
    If you need unique photos for the site, you can find them here – https://bit.ly/photoforsite2
    This will help you start earning faster with the help of the site.

  2. Hi there, I just came across your new site and saw that you’re getting started with WordPress – something I’m well experienced in! It’s always thrilling to see how new websites unfold. Building a website is not always a simple task – are you doing this on your own or do you have a developer to help you out? Regardless, I can’t wait to see how your site progresses. If you ever need to discuss anything WordPress-related, feel free to drop me an email at contact@ghazni.me, or message me on WhatsApp or Telegram.

    Kind regards,
    Mahmud Ghazni
    WhatsApp: +880 1322-311024
    Telegram: https://t.me/ghaznidev